February 28, 2008

ETF Locater

Trying to find the correct ETF can be frustrating and time consuming. I have created a easy-to-follow chart to assist in this process. This covers most domestic ETFs and if the cases where there is more than one ETF in a particular category or sub-category, the ETF listed first is generally the most common. Another presentation slide which includes international securities and currencies will be forthcoming. To download a Power Point slide with this information that will print out more legibly, click on the title "ETF Locater" to be redirected.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this...it is a good resource. However, the text is a bit too small to make out all of the ETF symbols. Is there a way to increase the font size?

Dave K. said...

Thank you for bringing the quality of the "Locater" to my attention. Financial people seem to love to use small print. My original was a Power Point slide which I converted into a jpeg required for uploading into the blog. Unfortunately, there is a significant deterioration of quality in the conversion. Clicking on the image will expand it to 100% of its size, but it may still be difficult to read all of the small print. I'm sure there are other tools available to improve the quality of the Locater and I will investigate and hopefully have an improved version to re-post when I post the international/currencies ETF Locater.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dave. I'll keep an eye out for the improved version...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the downloadable version!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog, Dave. I wish you would post more frequently...